Price caps
The sale price of a KiwiBuild home is set by the developer and will reflect its type, size and location. To keep KiwiBuild homes in more affordable price ranges, price caps are used that set the maximum price all KiwiBuild homes can be sold for. In some developments, larger KiwiBuild homes with four or more bedrooms may become available and will be priced accordingly.
The current KiwiBuild price caps are:
Location |
Studio or one-bedroom |
Two-bedroom |
Three-bedroom |
Auckland |
$550,000 |
$760,000 |
$860,000 |
Hamilton |
$550,000 |
$640,000 |
$720,000 |
Tauranga |
$550,000 |
$740,000 |
$780,000 |
Wellington |
$580,000 |
$760,000 |
$850,000 |
Christchurch |
$550,000 |
$640,000 |
$720,000 |
Queenstown-Lakes |
$550,000 |
$760,000 |
$860,000 |
Rest of New Zealand |
$550,000 |
$640,000 |
$720,000 |
All reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the quality and accuracy of the information presented at time of publishing. Policies applicable to KiwiBuild homes and price points may be changed, added to, or otherwise amended without notice at any time.
Page updated: 15 May 2023